Ne perdez pas votre tempsJ'ai passé des heures a configurer le menu pour me rendre compte que la nouvelle plateforme qui est sensé d'etre mieux est encore pire.
La fenetre de detail de commande quand on clique sur...
Brazibin/ Feb 27, 2025
receiving a call on my restaurant phonethe functionality of receiving a call on my restaurant phone when an order is placed disappears and it's really disappointing..
Pizzapointfoodtruck/ Feb 26, 2025
Multi-location takeway orders not availableWhen can we expect this feature to be added? My company loses a lot from this, it needs it very much!
Jstsik/ Feb 25, 2025
Item title issue.The item title/name get cut off when do not conintue to the next line. This persists even after changing the text size. This is even more evident on the mobile website. This is...
Hi there, thank you for your feedback. When a dish name is too long to fit in the design, we use ellipsis (three dots) so that your design will look at it's best....
Karol8733/ Feb 20, 2025
Multi-location not available & Order pacing:When are these features going to be available again?
Please I need them urgently.
Thank you for your feedback!
We're excited to let you know that supporting multiple locations is in progress and will be released in the next 2 months. You can vote and get updates...